Import users - CSV job (via SFTP)

The IT Administrator can setup a solution to automatically update users and id-card number by uploading a CSV file to an SFTP server. FacilityNet can provide a SFTP account. CSV job import is an add-on in Please request the price. 


We offer two solutions, which is 1) A standard solution, or 2) A custom solution.


Standard solution

With the standard solution you can upload a predefined CSV file format to a SFTP server. FacilityNet can provide an SFTP account or you can provide your own account.


File format

The file must comply to the following format: 

  • Download example file here
  • Must comply with RFC 4180 European format (
  • Must contain headers in the same order as in the example file. Headers are case sensitive.
  • The value separator is a semicolon.
  • If an optional value is missing, the user will not be imported into


  • We use the email address as an unique user identifier to update users
  • The file will be imported once a day (typically after 12am CET).
  • Users which are not included in the CSV file will be deleted in
  • The e-mail address will be used as username.
  • When uploading is in progress you must use the extension .part and when the file upload is completed, the file extension must be renamed to .csv.


The custom solution

This solution is suitable if you already use a CSV file format to export users to other systems, if you can't change the export file format or if you need custom data processing.


Example of reasons to use a custom CSV file format:

  • You use ANSI encoding.
  • You use a US/UK CSV and data format.
  • You don't use CSV file headers or you use custom headers.
  • You want custom data processing.

File format

  • The value separator is a semicolon or comma.
  • If you use comma separator, you must use double quotes around each value.
  • The file must must comply with RFC 4180 European format (
  • If an optional value is missing, the user will not be imported. into

Please send the data file format in advance to to discuss your use case and to get advice. will sets up the interface for the import according to your specifications.


Import status

  • You can add a service e-mail-address, which will receive an e-mail with the status of the import job. The report will include a summary of number of imported rows, deleted rows, failed rows.


Data fields

Available data fields you can use in the CSV file:

Field Required Description
Initials Required If you don't have initials available, we will use the email prefix.
EmployeeId Optional An unique employee Id. Is typically used for payroll deduction as identifier.
Name Required The full name of the user.
Email Required

The email address of the user.

Email will be used as username. 

Optional Use country code e.g. +45.
Optional Use country code e.g. +45.
DepartmentNumber Optional The department number is just for internal use, e.g., like: "1000" for IT Department.
Department Optional The name of the department, the user belongs use to.
UserGroupUid Optional

An user group is a group of users with their own settings and access to their own catalogs and payment options. A typically setup is to create an user group for "Employee" and "External".

User group uuid is an identifier pointing to the user group.



- User groups must be created in advance.

- Request uuid from FacilityNet support. 

UserGroup Optional

User group name (e.g. "Employee", "External") is an identifier pointing to the user group.



- User groups must be created in advance.

- Request user group name from FacilityNet support.

LocationUid Optional

A location gives access to certain canteens and service centers. This is managed in the web portal. 

Location uid is an identifier pointing to the location.



- Locations must be created in advance.

- Request uuid from FacilityNet support. 

Language Optional The preferred language code, e.g. "da", "en".
IdCardNumber Optional

The card number used to pay on the canteen terminal.



- Before importing id card numbers, please confirm with FacilityNet support. It is recommended that a test card is sent to FacilityNet in advance to verify, if the read card number is the same as imported.  

SubscriptionUid Optional

The employees can subscribe to a Lunch subscription scheme, which employees pay with during payroll deduction. A lunch subscription scheme is an option for employees e.g. daily lunch each work day for 525 DKK/month.


As a standard a subscription will start the first day in the upcoming month and can be terminated the last day in the current month. 


Subscription uuid is an identifier pointing to the lunch subscription sheme.



- Lunch subscription schemes must be created in advance.

- Request uuid from FacilityNet support. 

TerminationDate Optional The termination date the employee must be removed from the system.


Use cases

How to handle terminated employees with a termination date?

  • Solution 1: Remove the user from the CSV file the day, that the employee must be deleted.
  • Solution 2: Set the termination date in the data field "TerminationDate".


How to move terminated employees from payroll deduction to credit card payment in the last month of termination?

If you complete the payroll in the middle of the month and the employees must still have access to pay for food in the canteen with his id card, you can move the terminated employee to another user group. 

We recommend that you create an user group e.g. called "External" or "Consultant". These user group can be setup to pay with credit card / MobilePay.  


How to subscribe and unsubscribe employees to lunch subscriptions scheme?

If you offer the employees Lunch subscription schemes, you just add the subscriptionUid and the user will be subscribed. If you remove the subscriptionUid the user will be unsubscribed.

As a standard a subscription will start the first day in the upcoming month and can be terminated the last day in the current month. To handle different subscription rules you must use the custom CSV solution.


How to handle users on behalf of tenants?

If you manage users from your tenants, you can create an user group for each tenant. To place an user in the tenant user group, just add the userGroup name or the userGroupUid. 


Other import options

Active directory Sync

If you instead want to update users via Active Directory Sync, you can read more here.


Rest API

Please contact to get access to the documentation.

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