To access the GoPay POS app, you need a PIN code. The administrator settings in the GoPay POS app allow you to perform a number of important tasks.
These include placing orders on locked products, printing receipts, as well as closing or uninstalling the app. This guide will walk you through the process of finding and using your PIN code.

Step by Step Guide

1. Open GoPay Manager:

Start the GoPay Manager application on your device.
Log in at https://prod.facilitynet.dk/gopay-manager

2. Log in:

Log in with your merchant or supplier admin profile. If you are a merchant, it must be the merchant that the POS is linked to.

3. Switch to Admin environment:

Once you are logged in, switch to the Admin environment in GoPay Manager.

4. Navigate to Devices:

Select Organisation from the navigation menu on the left.
Then select Hardware devices

Navigation menu - Devices

5. Find your POS device:

Search for your specific POS device in the list of devices.

Click to open the details for the specific device.

6. Find the PIN code:

When the details page for your POS device is opened, you will be able to see the PIN code under the "Settings" section. The PIN code is used to access protected areas in the app.

If you experience any problems or have further questions, please feel free to contact our support team for assistance.

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