Activate the Gopay POS App

This guide will walk you through the activation process for the GoPay POS app.

Step 1: Open the GoPay POS App

Start by opening the GoPay POS app on your device. Once the app is open, enter the email address associated with your GoPay canteen administrator profile. Note that this must be the email address you use for the canteen administrator profile and not your username.

Note: If you’re unable to access GoPay Manager while at the POS terminal, it’s recommended to complete Step 3 first to obtain your device number before starting this process.

Step 2: Receive and Enter the Activation Code

After entering your email address, you will receive an activation code via email. Locate this activation code and enter it in the GoPay POS app to proceed with the activation process.

Step 3: Log in to GoPay Manager and Find the Device Number

You will now need to enter a 6-digit device number in the GoPay POS app. Follow these steps to find the device number via GoPay Manager using your canteen administrator profile:

  1. Log in to your account in GoPay Manager as a canteen administrator - guide to logging into GoPay Manager
  2. Switch the environment to Administration - guide to switching environments
  3. Select Shops and then, click on Hardware Devices
  4. Click on the 3 dots next to the device and select Details

Once you find the device and open its details, locate the 6-digit device number and enter it in the GoPay POS app.

Once these steps are completed, your GoPay POS app should be activated and ready to use.

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