To see an overview of sales in the canteen, the canteen staff must log in to the web portal and then click on the POS / App tab.
Here you can see an overview of today's sales. If you want to see sales on an earlier date or over a period, this can be done by selecting start and end dates.
After searching for a period, it is possible to export the period's sales to Excel.
POS / App salgsoversigt:
- Select start date
- Select end date
- Press Search
- It is possible to export current search to Excel. Examples of reports can be found below.
Eksport til Excel
- Divide the report by product name or product name / day. There is no user information in this type of report.
- Get one report of all transactions. It is possible to choose the type of transactions you want to export.
- Here you can choose to have the report divided per. company if you have several companies buying in the canteen. At the same time, it is possible to have the report divided into each individual user and their purchased products.
- It is possible to export a report on the users' current top-up balance. This is only usable for canteens that use a top-up solution.