Outlook silent install

This guide is intended for IT administrators who want to install the FacilityNet Outlook add-in via silent install (automatic installation).


NOTE: If you want to avoid restarting during installation, see this article.


If you have a corporate administrator account on FacilityNet:

1. Download the FacilityNet Outlook add-in via the link below:

Download latest version here

2. Get the license key by logging into FacilityNet with your administrator account:

See guide to find license key

3. Open an administrator command prompt (Windows key -> Type “cmd” -> Right-click Command Prompt -> Select "Run as administrator").

4. Enter the installation command in the prompt.
The command is available when you log in to the system as a corporate administrator.
See the guide in step 2.


This command is unique for each company, so it's important that you log in and find your own command.

Remember to use the correct version:

  • If the Outlook installation on the computer is the 32-bit version, you should use the 32-bit installation file and command under Silent install 32bit.
  • If the Outlook installation on the computer is the 64-bit version, you should use the 64-bit installation file and command under Silent install 64bit.

Setup file name is the MSI package's file name, e.g., "Setup-2.5.684.msi"

Once the installation is complete, users must restart their Outlook, after which they can use FacilityNet from the panel on the right inside Outlook.


If you do not yet have a corporate administrator account on FacilityNet:

1. Download the FacilityNet Outlook add-in via the link below:

Download latest version here

2. Open the file with the license key from the email you received from FacilityNet.

It will contain something like:

<IssuedTo>Fantomzonen (Employee)</IssuedTo>

3. Open an administrator command prompt (Windows key -> Type “cmd” -> Right-click Command Prompt -> Select "Run as administrator").

4. Enter the following command in the prompt, replacing the placeholders with the information from the license file:

msiexec.exe /i <Setup file name> /quiet /log install.txt LANG=da LIC_NUM=<LicenseNumber> LIC_KEY=<LicenseKey> HOST=<Host> ALLUSERS=1 MSIINSTALLPERUSER=0

Setup file name is the MSI package's file name, e.g., "Setup-2.5.684.msi".


Once the installation is complete, users must restart their Outlook, after which they can use FacilityNet from the panel on the right inside Outlook.


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